Most new startup clients question “why do they need KPI” and “why is it important to measure them”. Many people even don’t focus on KPIs.measuring the right KPI is vital and important for the success of the business.

Aso performance is one of the most important aso services strategy used for understanding the performance of aso services. To understand if aso services are working or not, you need to have a few metrics to measure. These metrics used to measure are called key performance indicators.

In detail:

Key performance indicators are metrics which are used to measure specific goals of the business. These help in understanding the direction of your business, provide a report about the performance of individuals, teams and aso services strategy. It is also called a key success indicator and effectively optimizes the entire business. 

Why do you need key performance indicators?

1.It helps in monitoring the overall performance of the business:

Different KPIs come into reference with other companies. First, you need to understand what is your essential goal in the next month and where you want to invest your energy effectively. When checking the overall performance of the company, you need four vital KPI’s like:

aso strategy, organic downloads, employees and finally revenue you’re making.

  1. It helps to boost your business strategy in the long term:

When you’re launching a new app with a lot of investment, you surely want to know if it’s bringing profits and expected revenue. It’s a good idea to put some goals and KPIs at the start of the year and measure them weekly. When you look back at the report after a year, you know where you’re going wrong and can focus on it next year.

3.They indicate you when you’re going out of path:

Some times in a business, there will be times when you’re missing a significant opportunity that might bring a tremendous difference. Leading indicators help in letting you know if you’re in danger of falling from your goal or missing any new targets. Leading indicators are helpful and good KPIs which are measurable and can be influenced.

  1. Helps in getting the rightful and good volume of data.

The biggest problem while doing ua campaigns is no proper data or low volume of data. Measuring the data using KPIs constantly helps in having the rightful information at your fingertips. This helps in understanding who you need to target while performing ua campaigns and which advertising platform bought you more installs.

  1. It helps in understanding the aso services strategy better:

With overtime, KPI’s help in understanding whether your best aso services are working or not. With each and every quarter report you get you to find patterns and numbers of users or installs as well as in revenue. So when the business expands, you can understand what are your positives and negatives of aso reports and focus on them by optimizing your aso strategy.


Aso is a broad and deep subject which without proper guidance and effort may not be much effective. With the right guidance and reporting its performance alone can make a huge difference in your app’s performance as well as revenue. After all, its about good popularity and revenue.